Thursday, December 20, 2012


 What do you need to do to achieve Jannah? Is there a free ticket to Jannah? What is the price that we have to pay?
The thing is, if one ever thought of putting a price to Jannah, they simply can't! We can't believe that we are someone who can achieve Jannah by good deeds let alone achieve Jannah by bad deeds. 
We should know that the only reason one can achieve Jannah is because of Allah's mercy upon us not because we have done good deeds to achieve it. 
The Prophet Muhammad said: “No one’s deeds will ever admit him to Paradise.” They said, “Not even you, O Messenger of Allaah?” He said, “No, not even me, unless Allaah showers me with His Mercy. So try to be near perfection. And no one should wish for death; he is either doing good so he will do more of that, or he is doing wrong so he may repent.”(Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5349; Muslim, 7042 )
 Jannah is so beautiful, subhanaAllah, that none of us are actually worthy of it. But Allah has set upon us some conditions. Conditions that we have been given so that we can enter Jannah. How convenient!
We can't hope to enter Jannah without earning for it just like we can't expect to get a house without earning for it.
Let us see some conditions that are mentioned in the Quran that we need to do to achieve Jannah. These are taken out from Surah Ar Ra'ad with detailed explanation.

  1. Believe in Allah and His last Messenger.
  2. Be a muslim as a matter of fact. 
  3. We need to be among the Possessor of the intellect.They are those who believe in the Truth send by our Rabb.
  4. We should fulfill all our covenants, promises and oaths made to Allah, His messenger by following his sunnah and fulfilling the promises made to people.
  5. We have to maintain all our blood relationships and momin to momin relationships and also mend any broken relationships. (Are we really expecting to enter jannah without maintaining relations?)
  6. We need to fear Allah with the knowledge that He is the Greatest of All and to Him alone we all have to return.
  7. We should be among those who fear from our own reckoning in the Day of Judgment. Due to this fear, we should start checking our bad deeds and start reckoning for our sins in this world itself.
  8. We need to be super Patient. Patience in controlling our souls from committing any sins and doing all the obligations that He has ordered us to do with sincere patience. We should be patient so much so that we should desire to see the face of Allah. 
  9. Perform the 5 daily Salats with perfection at its proper times and in proper ways according to the Sunnah and sincerely for the sake of Allah and not for showing off our worship
  10. We need to spend on others from whatever Allah provided us with. We need to pay our Annual Zakah openly so that it becomes a reminder for others to do as well. We need to give Sadaqah (charity) secretly so that we clear our intentions which is sincerely for Allah and not to show off. 
  11. We should be among those who remove all our evil deeds by doing more and more good deeds.
  12. We should also react to any kind of evil behavior with the most excellent of behavior. We should treat other with the utmost excellence even though they don't deserve it. Are we doing this? Unfortunately, we are only good to those who are good to us and the moment anyone mistreats us, we act just the opposite. But this is the condition Allah has set forth in front of us so that we enter Paradise.
not even close to what Paradise actually is
Allah says in Surah Ar Raa'd Ayat:29, "And as for those who believe and do righteous deeds, for them will be prosperity and a beautiful place of the final return."
So let us all try and be better Muslims at least for the sake of pleasing Allah so that He bestows His mercy upon us even after doing all those things mentioned above. After all, it is upon Allah whether He wishes to admit us into paradise or wishes to remove us from it.
inshaAllah we will be among the inhabitant of the Eternal Paradise. We only need to strive hard enough for it.

JazakumuaAllah hu khairan for reading. Don't forget to rate, share, comment and subscribe for more posts. 

Thank you for reading. Please feel free to send me the link of your blogs and comment below if you have similar views. - Invisible Identity


  1. Salaamualaikum,ameen, jazzak Allah khairan ukhti

    1. Walaikumsalam. Wayyaki. I'm glad u read it.. :)

    2. Walaikumsalam. Wayyaki. I'm glad u read it.. :)

  2. Assalaamualaikum!
    Jazakiallah khairan for this article manal <3

    Summa Ameen

    It's this huge misunderstanding that good deeds lead us to Jannah. Thanks SO much for putting this together.

    1. Walaikumsalam warahmatuallah! glad you cleared your misunderstandings. :) thanks for sharing with your family.. keep updated.. tc!! :)


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