Friday, October 12, 2012


Are we all waiting for something better to come? Do we want our prayers to be accepted now without any patience?
According to the ayat of Surah Yunus Verse: 11

"If Allah were to hasten the punishment for their evil as they hasten in asking the good of this world, then the respite given to the people would have been terminated, but this is not Our way. We leave those people alone who do not entertain the hope of Meeting Us, to blunder about in their rebellion."

OMG!! Did you actually understand that! It gave me chills when I first read that verse! AstagfiraAllah!!
How often do we do this? Always hastening for our prayers to be accepted. Did you know that this is the way, the Mushrik of Ehle Makkah used to behave and nonetheless, The people of Firaon!!?
Do you want to be one of them?

Let me explain you this ayat.
Allah says in this ayat that If Allah had to hasten in punishing them (unbelievers) just like how they hasten in sinning, the matter would have been closed then and there, meaning not a single MAKHLOOQ (creation) would be alive. (because we all sin)

Just because Allah doesn't hasten in punishing us for our sins doesn't mean that the sins we do are justified that Allah is please with us. Nay, He ain't!! This is not Allah's way of Wisdom. He is The Planner of this Universe. He knows how to deal with the Mushrikeen and the Muh'sineeen! We don't need to expect Allah to hasten in accepting our duwas. Every Recompense has its appointed time. The good will come at a particular time and the punishment will ALSO come at a particular point. 

Those of us who enjoin in the good and are waiting for a reward from Allah, you shall definitely be brought to full justice on a particular time, may it be in this world or Aakhirat. 
And those who are living their lives happily, enjoying without looking at the halal or haram nor hardships befall upon them, do not think that Allah is pleased with them. Just because they don't hope to meet Allah, they wander blindly in this world doing whatever they want. Surely, an awaiting recompense is waiting upon them, May it be in this world or the Aakhirat!
Let us all learn from this. May Allah give us the Ilm to acquire the knowledge of our Deen and the ability to implement upon it.

JazakumuAllah hu khairan

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