Thursday, December 26, 2013


Assalamualaikum WarahmatuaAllahi Wabarakaatuhu!

I would like to share something amazing with you all and it is this hadith.

“Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Reported by Muslim]

Question is how can we stop the evil with our hearts?

Ibn Taymiyyah said, “Condemning with the heart is belief that this is an evil. If a heart loses the knowledge of what is good and condemning what is evil, then Iman is lifted from the heart”

If we don’t condemn the evil with our heart then it can lead to a black heart meaning that our heart MUST hate the evil deeds like Shirk, fornication, immodesty, violence, sodomy, injustice, backbiting, cursing, watching indecent movies, songs, T.V shows, envy, jealousy and so on or else we would lose the knowledge of what is wrong or right in our hearts. If our hearts do not hate the evil deeds then most likely our hearts would not realize that the evil deed is EVIL anymore. We might justify or support these evil acts or maybe even commit it them ourselves. Our hearts would not realize that the evil deed is EVIL anymore.
Most often, the person who show negativity or hatred towards any evil deed is considered as a 'prude' whereas the one who minds his own business not caring about what others do are considered as the ones 'who do not judge' and 'good guys'. Do not forget the ayat of Surah Ash Shuara: 168, He (Lut alaihisalam) said: "I am, indeed, of those who disapprove with severe anger and fury your (this evil) action (of sodomy).
He didn't say that he hates them but he rather loathed and detested their evil act of sodomy. And not to forget, Allah saved Lut alahis salam and his family except of his wife. She was destroyed with the rest of the nation. Why? Wasn't she a believer? Yes, she was but her heart was inclined towards the homosexuals and she didn't consider their act as evil or disturbing. She supported them.    

Brothers and sisters, ask yourself, how many times do we support or keep quiet when our own families are indulged in shirk, biddah, usuray (riba) or backbiting, or when our own friends drink, party, fornicate or listen to music? Are we stopping those evil with our hands first? If that doesn't work, then are we stopping them with our tongues? IF that doesn't work either then, are we 
at least considering their acts as something that displeases Allah in our hearts? 
 We are so used to seeing the fahisha (indecency) that it doesn't seem haram anymore and all the feelings of love and affection overcomes towards our family and friends, between what is halal and haram.
So let's save our imans brothers and sisters because stopping the evil with our hearts is the weakest of faith and not considering a haram act as evil might risk the removal of iman from our hearts and we all fear of that!

JazakumuaAllah hu khairan for reading! Do share and follow my blog for more posts.

Ask me anything regarding this topic here. Thank you for reading. Please feel free to send me the link of your blogs and comment below if you have similar views. 

- Manal Mirza

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